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Sunday, June 30, 2013


A bit ago I introduced you to my new little friend.  I thought it only fair to come back and tell you a bit more after test driving it for a while. 

Straight up, I don't like to iron. I don't really know why.  It's not difficult. I'd just rather be sewing. 

I've had several irons over the past few years. I say several loosely, as they were really all the same iron, it just had to be replaced because it kept breaking. By breaking I mean puking.  ALL. OVER. MY. FABRIC.  You know, right? You are happily ironing that nearly completed quilt top and all of a sudden  your iron sounds like a dragon breathing fire. You lift your "dragon" up and see brown streaks all over your top. Not cool. 

Enough was enough. 

Enter Oli-Sew Perfect. 

I have found my iron-mate. 

She is quiet. She doesn't breathe fire. Or SPIT! (very important for a lady)  She also doesn't leave brown stains everywhere she goes! Oh, and she is this perfect shade of yellow. It's not so bright that you need to wear sunglasses, yet it's not so muted it looks cream colored. Also, it reminds me of pineapple flavoured Starbursts. 

It's not your typical iron because you don't set it on it's heel.  You leave it horizontal. When you touch it (even with just one finger), it lowers flat.  When you let go, it raises back up. It's impossible to scorch your fabric. Unless of course you stand there holding the iron. This does take some getting used to. Five minutes, tops!

The first few times I turned around to my iron laying horizontal on my fabric, I ran in Lightning McQueen speed to prevent my house from burning down, all the while she sat there laughing at me. The fabric wasn't even hot. She's smart. 

She also gives you perfectly flat seams.  Front. 

And Back! ( ** Swoon ** )

With my previous irons, I was under the misconception that the more holes in the plate, the better.  So I got a Professional brand name iron that had recessed holes everywhere. Not good for quilting, I found out. That flat plate is what gives you those beautiful seams. It's difficult to press flat with so many holes. Plus it gives out too much steam.  Oli-Sew Perfect has just the right amount of vents for quilters and they are not recessed like in typical irons. The entire plate is flat! Score!

She has a sense of humor, too. If you happen to set her on her backside, she will stick her tongue out at you!! Silly goose!

How does your iron stack up? 

(the above photo has nothing to do with the iron but it's just so pretty.  I thought I'd include some eye candy.  You're welcome.)

So, if you're fed up.  If you've had enough and you're tired of fighting that big bad dragon, head to the nearest store and grab up an Oliso smart iron. 

You.  Will. Love. It!

P. S.  I actually kind of like to iron now. 

Much Love!!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Have You Heard?

There is this really cool place. 

If you haven't been there, you'll wish you had. 

If you have, you'll definitely will want to go back! 

What is this place, you ask? 

They have all sorts of stuff there. 

Quilting Classes - Once you purchase a class you will always have access to them.  Whenever. Where ever.  Forever. 

Patterns of all sorts - Quilting patterns, knitting patterns, crochet, jewelry, paper crafts, even cake decorating!! patterns are out there, too! 

A project section where you can upload photos of the projects you've completed.

A supplies section where you can buy fabric and supplies you may need! We ALL need more fabric! 

So what are you waiting for??!! 

Head on over to Craftsy and have a look around.  If you haven't made an account yet, go ahead and do that too.  It's super easy and you won't regret it. 

Once you've been there, tell me what you found.  Is there a class you'd really really love to take? 

Online Quilting Classes

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pure Goodness

I am so loving this line! 

It's a new release for Michael Miller that is coming in July! It's called Waterfront Park and the designer is Violet Craft

If you don't have this line on your wish list, jot it down! It's HOT! 

I plan on cutting out a bunch of triangles. 

What would you do with it? 

Much Love!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Instagram Giveaway

Hello Friends!

Today is the first day of Summer AND the longest day of the year!!

Time for a celebration!

I'm doing a giveaway over on Instagram. If you don't already follow me, I am KarrieLyne there.

Here's how to enter:

1. Head on over to Instagram

2. Search for my profile (KarrieLyne) and locate the above photo in my timeline.

3. Repost it to your timeline tagging two people. Just @ them.  Make sure you don't tag the person who tagged you though!

4.  Add the hashtag #freckledsummer to your post!

That's it! You're entered.

Winner will be chosen on Sunday at 3pm CST.

Much Love and Good Luck!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Little Friend

I have a new friend.

Please meet "Oli".

Full name = Oli-So Perfect :)

More to come on my little friend.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Comfort Zone

We all have one, that comfort zone. 

We know what we like and what we're good at. 

Sometimes it's hard to wander from that for fear of failure. 

My comfort zone in free motion quilting is meandering in smooth lines or meandering in squared off lines/boxes. 

I purchased Angela Walters book, Free Motion Quilting, on November 21, 2012. I've looked at it many times. I've ooohhhh-ed and ahhhhhh-ed over it.  I thought a few times that maybe I could do it but I chickened out every time. 

Until my last quilt. I wanted to do something different. So I practiced for a bit to see if I could get the basics of it down. 

I chose her flower pattern...

This was my first picture.  It's a bit hard to see but I used the variegated yellow thread in Tula Pink's collection by Aurifil. I need the rest of this collection..just saying. 

Here is my flower on the orange print in Piper by Dear Stella.

One more shot showing that I made my flowers kinda big...hahaha!

I really love how it turned out. None of the flowers are the same size and they are certainly not perfect, but flowers in real life are equally as imperfect.

So based on this...the fact that I can do this, so can YOU. I'm putting a challenge out there to all of you.  Whether it be in regards to quilting or not, take a step outside of that zone we so deeply cherish. It's really not that bad and you might find that you kinda like it. ;)

Oh, I know I've only shown a few peeks of this quilt...but don't worry. You'll see the whole thing very soon!!! Promise!

Much Love!!!
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