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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Diamond in the Rough - Week 4

Welcome back!!! 

Today I am going to go over the next step in the quilt along!! 

But first, just a few reminders...

1 - You can join at anytime! There are no sign ups and no actual deadlines! 
2 - Work at your own pace.  I have dates listed, but its ok if you get behind or maybe you are on vacation.  It's ok.  Just pick back up when you can.  The instructions will ALWAYS be here on my blog! 
3 - I created a FLICKR group for you to post any picture related to this QAL.  Add photos of your fabrics, progress photos, and of course completed projects! I can't wait to see what everyone is doing! Click HERE to go to the Flickr Group :) 

If you are just joining us, I've linked weeks 1, 2, and 3 below.  Feel free to join us if you haven't already!! 

How did you do on your HST's?? Did you get them all done? Kudos to those of you who did and if you didn't, no worries! This QAL isn't a race and there is plenty of time to get them all done.  :)

Now that you have your 3 1/2" squares and your 3 1/2" HST we can start assembling our blocks!! Yay!! 

Step 1 :: First lay out your pieces like the below photo.  You will need 16 squares and 20 HST to complete this layout.

Step 2 :: Start sewing your rows together.  Use a 1/4" seam throughout. 

Make sure as you sew you keep your pieces exactly as you laid them out.  ( PS  - I forgot to rotate this photo so I do sew my rows horizontally first, not vertically as this photo appears)

Step 3 :: Press!  Here again I suggest pressing the seams open! Press each row. 

Step 4 :: Now sew your rows together into your block!! Take care to match your seams, pinning if necessary. 

Press these seams open, then press the front of your block.

 One down.. and how many more to go? :)

This is the best part in my opinion..watching each block come together and see how different they really are.

Please don't forget to post pictures in the Flickr group (linked above) so I can see your progress!

We will meet back here on April 19th and hopefully we will have some quilt tops/pillows to show off!! :)

As always, please let me know if you have questions!!

Much Love!!!


  1. I just love your scrappy block!

  2. I have my Liberty one together! Must post a pic!

  3. I decided to work through more of my scraps and make the throw. I am sloooowly trimming all those HSTs. Hope to get a block together soon. :)

  4. I am really happy with the way mine turned out. Thanks for running this quilt along. I have the 4 block top assembled and a picture posted in the FlickR group. Joanne


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really love hearing from you!! :)

Happy Quilting!

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